Monday, May 21, 2012

Another Unsuccessful Race for Karel Abraham

Karel Abraham Le Mans 2012

Karel Abraham retires from Grand Prix of France due to technical problems. The problem is on tyres and the Cardion AB team sending the tyres to Bridgestone to solve the problem. Abraham told that the bike was repeatedly slides. 

Karel Abraham:
“We started the race with the settings from the morning warm up. We knew the motorbike was sliding a little but we believed it was due to new tyres. It was a disaster right from the start and it was getting worse and worse, the motorbike was sliding so bad that it was impossible to keep it on the road. As for the brakes, these were OK, we had managed to improve these settings, but when I leaned the motorbike, the rear started to slide immediately and I couldn’t do anything about it. That’s all I can say, it is another unsuccessful race, I’m very disappointed, and it’s hard for all the boys in the team.”

Marco Grana:
“I´m very disappointed, because I expected to finish in top level and we have another zero. The bike was completely same as in the morning and there is nothing strange in telemetry. Only one thing didn´t work – the temperature of the rear tyre was very low, because in the first lap Karel didn´t go fast enough. Now we are sending the tyre to Bridgestone and we will try to understand, where the tyre should have the problem.”

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