Saturday, May 19, 2012

Hayden had Trouble to finding the Good Direction

Nicky Hayden Le Mans 2012

Leading on the wet track couldn't make Hayden start from good place tomorrow. Hayden have to start from 11th. Hayden told that they have tried a lot of option, but still got the problems on turning and chatter.

Hayden said, “It was quite a hectic session, with just enough rain to complicate things. With us being behind on the setup, we needed some dry time, as the lap times just aren’t coming for us in those conditions. We’ve tried a lot of different options, but we still haven’t solved the problems we have on this track: running wide in some places, problems turning, and some chatter. "

He continue, "We’re having trouble finding a really good direction. The team’s not giving up, and we’ll be back to do our best tomorrow.”

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