Nicky Hayden said on the Ducati's press conference at the Wrooom 2013, that Gabriele Del Torchio, the Ducati Motor Holding CEO have many ideal to help the Ducati on MotoGP. For Hayden this gonna be a good future for him and Ducati.
Nicky Hayden also said that the main problem for the 2013 is still the same as 2012, understeer and front end issue on cornering. The 2013 bike will not much different than 2012.
Nicky Hayden
"This year Wrooom is particularly special. In addition to seeing the faces that we already know, this is a good opportunity to start building relationships with the people we'll be working with this season. From a technical point of view, the new management hasn't stepped into an easy situation, but they're very motivated to reach our goals. I've met with Mr Gobmeier, and he strikes me as a very intelligent person, with many ideas about where he can help. It's a completely fresh start for us, and although there's clearly a big challenge ahead of us, it's also an exciting one. I'm really looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish. The future looks very good."
Ducati Factory Racing Press Release
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