The end result was not what he had in mind, but the Czech Republic Grand Prix provided an increase in pace for Doni Tata Pradita compared to his practice times. However, in an attempt to push hard and make a pass, he suffered a misfortune and lost contact with the group ahead of him. It was a shame, but the experience will help to add to his experience in Moto2.
Doni Tata Pradita (24th) “I am pretty satisfied, because we were faster today than in practice and found some develpments which will help us in the coming races. Unfortunately I lost touch with those ahead when trying to pass Rivas, and they got away from me then. Also, from then on I didn’t have the same pace as before.”
Fausto Gresini “Besides the result, we saw a Doni who was determined and motivated today. He was not as laid back as in the last two races, which is very positive and very important for the coming races.”
Federal Oil Gresini Moto2 Press Release